The bull languidly raised his massive head and grunted at me. Several cows with calves grunted back, so I am assuming it was a message for them to pay attention. The cows started to move away from my direction and then the bull stood up. Oh my goodness! For a moment I thought of ancient days when First Nations hunters on horseback stood face to face with these incredible beasts. They revered them because they revered all life, but the buffalo was everything to them. They only killed what they needed and left the rest alone. The death of the animal was an apology and then a prayer of gratitude. We should be so connected to the land, the nature and our spiritual side these days.
A snort and grunt and the gargantuan bull ambled slowly on, with no more than a glance in my direction. The cows were already some distance away. Incredible and humbling, it was the highlight of my day.