One can choose to worry about all things awry or one can choose to live in bliss, to rise above the ghetto or the misery and float on gossamer wings transcending the pettiness of terrible distraught upon the Earth. One can be caught in the web of the garish spider, both terrified to be bound and too traumatized to move, in case the reaction results in death, or one can revel in the lightness and freedom of the silk spun web and make friends with the hungry spider.
And so, Easter, today, the day wrapped in Pagan historical celebration, I broke bread and drank rum with a good friend in the morning, the lovingly prepared basket feast blessed by the voice of his religion. While I partook in the simple bounty, I gave thanks to my friend for sharing his meal with me and for his presence in my humble home, to the animals whose lives were lost to provide the tasty meats and to the plants that died to feed my body. All is from the Creator and to the Creator, I am grateful for my life and blessed to be alive on this most glorious Easter day. There is much hope for a brilliant future. I feel it.