The polar vortex has shifted and much of Canada is very cold. There is an icy wind from the north accompanying the frigid temperatures too, so the minus 26 celcius seems to be closer to minus 37 in feel. Of the animals on the farm, most have learned to keep warm. There are shelters for all in which to go. When the shelter is filled with bodies, the temperature therein actually rises. In the main chicken coop, there are also Muscovy ducks, who are of South American origins, and do not tolerate cold nearly so well as the North American ducks and their offspring. The wild cross turkeys seem nearly oblivious to the cold, chirping away in their airy hut. The other chickens are huddled together, much closer than in the main coop and in a smaller area, so the body heat that is generated provides enough warmth to all when they are perched asleep.
One interesting event is the addition of the piglets to the main coop. They found the straw set for the Muscovy ducks under the shelter of the tarp used to sheild and collect the droppings of the perched chickens (and one guinea hen). The piglets have made the coop their home since their mothers left for freezer camp on Tuesday. And those young porkers are very good housekeepers too, cleaning up all the chicken poop so the coop is fresh and clean. Who knew? They clean up the poop in the duck and goose coop too, but leave their own in there, which the chickens scratch through. I guess that is the way of the farm. Amazing really, isn't it.
The bills are once again all paid. I do not know really how it all happens, but so far every year, the farm has remained solvent and managed to make ends meet and leave a little in the bank for the upcoming year. I am very grateful for this and that I have had the opportunity to learn about the animals and how to become more sustainable. I am thankful for so many small blessings, too, for each minute bit of joy brings so much peace to my soul. I am in love with my life, really, and have what I want and want what I have. As we near the beginning of the longer days, the winter solstice, I wish for you , too, the many small blessings to lighten your spirits and feel the blessings in this world. Bless you each and every one.