The Babydoll and Blue Faced Leicester ram lamb is very lovely. He will be larger than a Babydoll, I think, though Babydoll genes are really strong and usually the offspring of crosses look much more Babydoll than the other breed. In this case, the ram does look like a smaller version of the Blue Faced Leicester, only chunkier. For a smallholder operation wanted small meat sheep he would be ideal.
There were 90% ram lambs born this year, the first year that has happened. Usually it has been an equal split or more or less equal. Some of the ram lambs were born early from accidental ram lamb breedings at 4 months of age. So in February there were lambs born. These young fellows are excellent stock and are now ready to breed too. They are wool breeds, with much finer quality wool than normally found on the common breeds such as Suffolk or Dorset. It would be a wise choice to use these rams as terminal rams or to create the famous mules, that is a ewe with Blue Faced Leicester genes and also a chunkier other meat breed. I took a picture of the largest three rams in that pen and was surprised to see how big the Blue Faced Leicester cross lambs had grown. They were huge! Seeing them daily, without a point of comparison, one does not notice that they have grown so big.
But, the market for these rams would not be here, where most people are only interested in breeds they know and are used to. The cost of transport is prohibitive to most since the Fat Ewe Farm is quite remote compared to where the sheep herds are down south. Still, I will continue to advertise them for sale. Their only other fate is meat and that would be a terrible shame. Rams for sale! Step right up!