2017 is the year of new beginnings according to the numerologists. When 2, 0, 1 and 7 are added together the answer is 10 and when the 1 plus the zero are added, the number of 2017 comes to 1. One is the great beginning of everything, the first counted and the first start. We are on our way to a good year and a chance for every thing to be new again.
The past year was a 9, which is a sign of a bad year for many and it was. The economy where I live in northeastern Alberta has been very poor for a while, with many jobs lost to the crash in the oil industry and no hope for improvement. Houses were abandoned, hoping for sales that never materialized and mortgages were called and property forsaken. One must go where the jobs are, where there is a chance to make money to survive.
But things have picked up. There are some jobs being advertised in the oil industry and people who were struggling are beginning to have hope. It has not been an easy past two years for most, and that includes the Fat Ewe Farm. We saw hay prices rise to $150 per large round bale and grain prices to 40 cents a pound this year, while the dollars paid for beef on the hoof plummeted. Theft was on the rise and still is. People must eat and if that means stealing to get money, then that is what will happen. There is a solution, however, man is not ready to live in harmony and share. I am not sure I am either. Would I give up my hard worked for farm and let others live here for free or eat my food, the food I raised or grew? You see, there is enough in the world to go around.
So, what hopes do you have for the upcoming beginning year, year number 1?
I hope we can come closer to learning to share, not to take what is not ours. I hope we can closer to learning to love, that which is ours and that which is not, for we are all in need of love. It is hard for me to give freely to some one who sits and waits for handouts to fall, but easy to give to a man who is doing his best to support his family and working his fingers to the bone, yet not making ends meet. I feel that one deserves my help and one deserves a boot in the ass. But that means I am judging too, and I want to grow bigger than that. So I hope I can do better in the new year.
It has been a wonderful 2016 in so many ways too. There are blessings untold living on a farm, close to nature, walking in the trees, listening to their primoridal songs as they sway in the wind, groaning and moaning in the frost and cold and swaying in joy during the summer heat. Living with the animals, my dogs, my sheep and even the chickens, who finally after 5 years are beginning to grow on me, has taught me so much about life itself. I am truly blessed here, doing what I want to do. That does not mean it is easy or has been or will be, but it does mean that I chose this life and am content and sleep well at night.
For you, I wish a life of ease. Ease of health, no aches or pains or strains, either mental of physical, a life of joy, peace in yor heart and quiet in the soul. Happy 2017! Happy New Year!