Chickens do make the best mothers, especially in the breeds where the instincts have not been bred out. The little bantam cross bred hen that sat on her eggs in the yearling ram pen, hatched 10, but is just cavorting with 8, so two have been lost. She is fiercely protective and very watchful and likely will keep the rest of her babies.
The goose has 7 eggs. Three have hatched and she is sitting on the others. Hopefully they wll all hatch. There are some new goslings that arrived from the hatchery on Saturday, perfect timing to add these to the incubator, which is an old livestock trough. A Khaki Campbell duck has a nest and should be coming out very soon with her babies and I gave 2 goose eggs and some Muscovy duck eggs to the Mottle Houdan hen. She has to sit for a month to hatch them and so far it is fine. I keep removing any chicken eggs, which would hatch 10 days sooner than the duck and goose eggs, so she would abandon the nest. This way she will stay until she hatches the eggs. Unfortunately for her, I will have to take them from her as well to ensure their survival.
Now, spring on the farm is teeming with new life and that is so perfectly wonderful, isn't it?