"Oh she is off to north Thailand to eat fermented food in the jungle."
"What is she wearing?"
" I don't know. Possibly jungle clothes. You know Grandma!"
I do not want to be remembered as the sweet little old woman who stayed home, baked bread and knit socks. There are far more exciting things to do in this world, but I do like to knit and crochet and bake too. Now that I know how to raise my own organic food, grow the way nature intended, and have learned to make 90% of the products we take for granted, such as laundry soap, personal care products, cleaners, even plastic wraps alternatives, I want to be remembered as the Grandma who was off on another journey to see how the rest of the world lives and what beliefs they have, especially in places like Siberia, which is one of the seats of Shamanism in the world. Yeah, Siberia!
2018 is a very interesting year. People have been seeing the numbers 11:11 for some time now, and no one really could put a reason to it. I am pretty sure, still, it is unknown. But, in numerology, 2018 is 11:11. So, I think this year has something great in store for mankind spiritually. It is high time we humans woke up to the truth of the origin of mankind, the possibility, no probability, that we are not alone in the universe and that Earth already is part of the space race with ships traveling to other galaxies. Good ole Gene Roddenberry had some insight when he wrote Star Trek. Even the weird looking people and how they managed to breathe in atmospheres unlike their own, was unique. I have always thought he had an inside peek to what was going on.
We are moving faster now that we have in the past 2000 years. Yet we are also going backwards. We eat better, but our food is without nutrition. Our light is without healing frequencies. We no longer touch the Earth. We stay indoors and avoid the life giving light of the sun. Egads! We are a quickly dying race! And, I believe it is orchestrated, not accidental, but I have no real idea by whom. Someone is managing our lives to the fine print and slowly killing us while making us believe everything is for our benefit and we embrace the technology, the very thing that will do us in.
But 2018 comes with a promise. 11:11. I do not know what it is, but the star children, indigo children, light workers and kids who are born vibrating at different frequencies than on Earth, have been seeing those numbers for a while now. They do not know why. I don't either. However, I am looking forward to the exciting promise this year brings. Those souls that came all screwed up vibrate at higher level frequencies than Earth. That is why they cannot settle down or conform. They are here to make a difference. How exciting! What a promise! Too bad they have had to endure such crazy lives to make the changes about to come.
So, I say to you, my friends. Be aware. Pay attention. Quit the news, the newspapers and the TV. Mass media is feeding you bullshit. Take your shoes off and walk on the Earth. Sleep on the ground. If it is winter, find leather soled footwear instead of rubber which blocks the pulse of the Earth. Eat only organic food. I recently ordered a book that shows photos of molecules of organic and not organic foods. I hope never to eat not organic again. It is akin to microwave molecules...scattered, dark and dead. Go outside. Change the lightbulbs where you spend time back to incandescent because they vibrate on the same frequency as we do and LED does not. And keep a close eye on weird stuff everywhere.
I have no idea what 2018 will bring. It is the start of my departure from this area to the Creston area, that I know. It may take a couple of years to complete that move, but it is already in the works. I think I will take a few animals with me, find an acreage to rent and see how it goes. Life is ours for the grasping. Don't just hang on to yours by a thread. Grab it around the middle where it is thick and juicy and hang on for the ride of all time! 2018. I cannot wait!