The puppies are getting much bigger all the time. Now they must be watched to ensure they do not play too rough with the lambs. A ewe with them would be the next step to make them respect the sheep instead of dominate them, which they could easily do. I think the boys will grow to be quite large dogs if one can judge by their paws. They had raw meat and dog kibbles for supper, squabbled over the raw meat and then fell asleep once they were full.
There were some visitors on the farm this afternoon who came to see the Icelandic sheep. They are considering sheep for milk and were curious about the taste, but I could not offer them a sample. I have not milked a sheep other than to give colostrum to a lamb. We had a tour of the animals and the bed and breakfast and then they politely thanked me and were on their way. The evening chores were waiting and the electric net fence is the first on the agenda for tomorrow to take down and set up for the sheep to protect and contain them in the pasture. That was the day on the farm, another day at the Fat Ewe!