I bought some chickens from a lady who advertised them on the local internet buy and sell type of site. She delivered them after dark. I was newer to animals and thought not too much of the scenario one way or the other, but the next day, I saw that the chickens were not quite right. They were sick, had lice crawling on them and a few had very rough scaly legs and feet. After reading a lot, it was determined that the condition on the feet was scaly leg mites and that they were highly contagious. The chickens were quarantined in an 8 x 10 open wire coop covered with a tarp, but it was still summer, so that was adequate. They could not free range until they were treated and better. Some died. Some survived and got better, but this little hen, the Silver Spangled Hamburg, a pretty little thing with blue ears and black and white feathers, did not improve. I treated her every which way and now, a year later, she still had the mites or whatever was causing her problems.
So, I caught her and applied the new cream I made for people skin. It is a wonderful mix of shea and cocoa butter, coconut oil, and several other oils, all noted for skin rejuvenation and lavender essential oil, for calming the skin. The butter was applied and rubbed into her legs and feet. She had lost a nail and one toe to this condition already. I did not know what else to give her since she had had a gamut of medicines and applications over the past year. I think this will work.
The roosters I got last summer from a different breeder all were sick, and had to be destroyed. I do not quite understand why a breeder would sell infected birds, or as the first batch was, with lice and mites and who knows what else. The birds get sick from being raised in crowded conditions that are not clean. Birds need plenty of sunshine and fresh air and clean coops where disease and pests cannot reproduce and multiply.
Last summer, I also got some ducks from a different breeder and all but one out of eleven have died. They were likely inbred, that is bred to the brothers and sisters, which creates some weakness in the stock.
So, live and learn. I am not condemning every breeder in this area, but with three bad experiences, I won;t be trying any others unless I can go to the facilities and inspect the birds where they are raised in order to be satisfied that all is well and the birds are raised in a clean manner with plenty of fresh air. This poor little hen...well, hopefully my magic potion will help her recover fully and finally so she can be well and happy again.