The problem is that Minnie was very aggressive and chased everything out of the pen. She has a very large pen of almost a quarter acre, so I am sure she is not lacking space. Then she began to bite the birds and finally now, eat them. Tasha has joined in and they have devoured twenty some ducks and chickens. As soon as the mobile butcher can come, they will have to go to the freezer or there won't be a duck or chicken left on the farm. I am sad to see them go because they are quite delightful. Minnie loves belly rubs and will fall over if she gets one and stay mesmerized by the sheer pleasure. Tasha loves to have her ears scratched. Both of them make a formidable rototilling crew and have done two pens remarkably well, turning and returning the manure and spoiled hay so that is can be a garden next year. I am sad to say goodbye to the girls, but enough is enough . Bad piggies!