The young Hutterite man who delivered hay used my brand new skid steer to move the bales. He told me he was well experinced with skid steers and with bales and likely he was for his few years. Accidents do happen. The bale slipped from the bucket and shattered the front window. Glass is everywhere! The young man was not hurt, just upset. His father came and took the door off and will replace it for me. They are good people. I didn't realize the bucket would not work without the door and got the skid steer stuck trying to move a bale, where it sits still. The whole problem is that the salesman did not arrange to have the bale forks brought out with the skid steer so the problems created a landslide effect. I must vacuum the glass in the cab before it causes any damage and get it off the driveway somehow. The hay is poor quality and the bale moved to the horses was full of mould. I skinned about a quarter of it before getting any usable hay and even then it is poor.
That was the second load of hay brought, too. The first load, from a farm in Iron River, is also very poor and I did not want to feed it to the animals, because the mould can cause pregnant animals to abort and the sheep and goats are pregnant.
Then, there is the problem of Sarah the goat. She will not stay in a fence and if she gets into the grain, she could over eat and bloat and die. With the high snow pack, she can easily scale any fence and does. I am not sure how to tackle that one.
It seems there is a landslide of problems lately, one right after the other and all very costly and expensive. I am finding it hard to remain positive and be uplifted into bliss, though I truly enjoy the farm. I wish the people who sold it to me were honest. That would have helped, but I have been really trying to move forward and not look back, yet with one problem after the other with their house, the house they built themselves, it is hard to remain positive.
The one saving grace at the moment is that my best friend from home, from White Rock, is out visiting. We go back a very long way to when our children were babies and have been fast and true friends through thick and thin. She is a wonderful person and good support for my many woes of late. I am grateful for her and I am trying to be grateful for the problems so that I can be ecstatic when they are over. Really, I am.