As a matter of fact, for all that Elsie has and is, she does not have a tail. When she was little, it froze off and she has a stub, completely useless for fly swishing. That bit of tail is like a club though. Thunk, I have been smacked by it more than once. She doesn't mean to, but she is tormented by flies. I have tried quite a few home remedies, and the flies are right back thick on her. This year was a was one, with over 20 inches of rain from spring through summer. The flies like wet. moist hot conditions and the temperature has hovered between 25 and 30, so for flies, it was the perfect summer. For Elsie, not so much.
But Elsie is pregnant and was due on the 6th of this month. The time has passed and she is definitely due. I am sure she would be so much more comfortable too, and I could use some stronger oil on her to help ward those flies off. I even tried to attach a hair extension to her tail, but it came off immediately. I think there must be something like a Chinese finger puzzle, where the finger goes in easily, but pulling only tightens the grip of the device. Maybe there is a tail attachment like that to be had.
Come on Elsie. Let's have that little one out so I can learn to milk a cow. That will be my first experience at milking and I will share you with your baby, of course, but there surely will be enough milk for me and the other animals too. And oh, the fresh butter, yellow from the green grass and the cream thick enough to be spooned out and the cheese. Oh Elsie, let's have that calf please my girl. Thank you Creator for cows and especially for my beautiful girl, Elsie.