The very large circumference auger was attached to my skid steer and the holes were drilled for the foundation pilings. My farm is primarily beautiful golden sand with very little topsoil. One person remarked that I should sell sand and make my fortune, but I will leave that to another. I like my land as it is. Still, the lovely sand that was drilled up from the auger was pretty.
I helped a lot with the placement of the auger and then the leveling and attaching of the pilings. It took an afternoon and there is some more leveling to be done after the settling prior to attaching the plates on which the building will sit. Then I dug post holes for a clothes line, finally, a real clothesline to have sunshine and wind smelling linens! And I augered holes for a fence in my back yard which could provide an emergency pen for small animals. Currently the Nigerian Dwarf goat male kids I want to separate can get out of any fence I put them in. The back yard fence will be of wood and hopefully will solve that problem.
It was a very busy day and the beginning to a good end has begun. And that felt great!