When aging folks are in pain, and who isn't, it seems talking about the aches and brakes seems to help a little. Just having an ear to listen to the woes is nice. But who wants to hear that over and over again?
It occurred to me today when talking with a new friend, that we, he and I, were talking about our ailments, just as my good friends were that tell tale day. Is that because we, the new friend and I, were comfortable with one another? I must admit, of all the people here, he and his lovely wife are among my very favourites. They actually make sense, are down to Earth and pleasant and know what the rest of the world is going on about. But, we are getting on, as she would say. English, you know.
The night is never without an ache. The day is naught without pain. It does no good to mention it, for it neither takes it away or eases the mind. It is odd how people try to "out do" one another with the number of ailments and medications they have. At least I do not take any medications at all, not even pain killers with the exception of times that my spine, which is in an 's' shape, starts to go into spasms. Then, just in order to breathe, I take something strong and ease the agony. Otherwise, I suffer along. Aging has its virtues, but also as the body begins the slow process of dying, it also has its downfalls.
I am thankful I chose to come out to Alberta and work hard, not too hard, but much harder than I would have if I had purchased a condo and stayed in the city. Then I would have gotten out of shape and fat, no doubt, and not been nearly as healthy overall. Small blessings are good, and well, really, so is getting on. We know so much more, care so much less and just take life as it comes in these years. And, those aches and pains and complaints…they can just be getting on too.