Grey days of nonstop rain can get depressing, especially when there are a zillion summer chores waiting to be done. The granaries need painting, the deck needs staining, the porch needs to be finished, the farm store needs to be done, and on and on. These are summer jobs that require decent weather since the farm has no large building to work in when it rains. The old barn was let go by the former owners. I will not understand why they did so little maintenance here. Replacing the roof would have saved the barn for another fifty years or so. The roofs on the houses were replaced last summer, thank goodness.
Anyhow, being grateful for one's entire situation is not easy. Where does one find the peace, love and joy in incessant mosquitos biting, flies in hoards because they can breed in the wet bedding, no sunny days, wet animals with pneumonia, and mud everywhere that gets inadvertently tracked inside? I need to only look into the angelic face of my little lamb, Anna, and my heart is again full, or see the proud new mother with her brood of twelve newly hatched chicks, or look into the trusting eyes of my beautiful dogs and I am reminded how blessed I am. I am the caregiver once again, the mother to all who depend on me here, albeit most have four legs. I rescued little Georgie from the bush today. She had given up and hid under a log, hoping for safety. Being a cripple, her mother no longer waits for her as she did when she was new. Georgie cannot possibly keep up with the others and she cries. Robbie found her and I picked her up and carried her back to the sheep pen, quite a distance, and put her with her mother. How could I not be grateful for Georgie?
And so amidst the disheartening situations and bad weather, there are always reason for joy. Looking into the eyes of the Silkie chick, those curious black eyes and that stick up hair do, one has to laugh. The Creator must have had a wonderful exhilarating time making all these creatures. It is just up to us to take a better look and find a deeper understanding to love it all, the beautiful and the problems, for all is One.