She traveled to South America at a later date with another friend and has gone on to become an accomplished young woman I am very proud of. She is doula, or birth coach and is pursuing a career in midwifery in Australia now, after completing an Bachelor of Arts degree previously in Vancouver. The love of her life is in Australia for moral support and because he cannot bear to be apart from her for so long, so all is well.
I miss her terribly and am waiting for the day she will be home again so I can hug her and hold her and tell her how much I love her. I wrote this for her today:
That first day, the day I held you in my arms in our brown house, with the wisteria fragrance wafting thorugh the open windows, that day was the most magical day of my life. You were my first born, my miracle, my baby, flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone. I gazed on your peaceful slumbering face and to me, there was nothing more beautiful in the entire world and nothing would ever match that moment. I loved you more than life itself and sat rocking in that chair, gazing at you and marveling at your existence. My baby, my Brianna.
And this day, this day so many years from then, you are still the same beautiful child in my eyes, my marvel, my wonder and my treasure. Through the years you have matured to become a woman that would make any mother proud. You are a friend that is loyal and reliable to your friends, a partner that is strong and passionate about life, and a daughter that is truly remarkable, always considerate and caring and concerned. You are the big sister who pays attention to her little brothers, whether they appreciate it or not and you are always to be counted on when you give your word.
For this year I wish you success in school and with your determination and drive, I know that you will make that happen. I wish you peace in your living space and love in your relationship with your treasured man, Sav. I wish you all your heart desires, my daughter, for like that very first day when I held you in my arms, I see nothing except my beautiful child with shining big brown eyes full lof mischief and adoration. I love you. Happy Birthday.