But Harley, my dear, precious big dog, has not come home before and he did not come back with the dogs this afternoon. We looked for him in the truck and Travis walked the quarter through and through looking for him. We did not find him though. I pray and hope he did not fall through the ice on the pond and is trying to get out. It will be minus ten again tonight. I will go to the pond in the morning and check for him. He is the greatest dog, a rescue that was starved when he came here. He was only 60 pounds and should have been at least a hundred. Since he has been eating better he has gained weight and is a much happier dog. He loves hugs and loves to come in the house and sleep in Robbie's bed in the winter. Robbie never challenges Harley anymore, because Harley is much bigger with bigger teeth and is bred to kill. Robbie is a border collie bred to chase sheep...um, no contest.
I sure do love that Harley dog and will anxiously await his safe and sound return by morning.