Luke and Leon, as well as Smokey, were supposed to be males. Well, I guess the folks they came from and I are not up on cats, because none of us knew that they were all females, not males. So this spring, when Smokey went into heat, I cringed and thought of another litter of unwanted kittens. I was also relieved because Luke and Leon were not related to her. But then Luke and Leon also went into heat. The neighbour across the highway keeps an in tact male cat, but he is the only one around. It does only take one.
So, very soon, Luke and Leon, who are very bonded to the house and stay home all the time, will have their babies. They sleep together in the dog house, now the cat house and may even share it with their litters and share the kittens, as happens rarely, but does happen.
Smokey was a great cat and I do hope she is safe and her babies are growing and well. The Fat Ewe Farm will soon have abundant free kittens, if anyone is interested. Meow!