Today Joe decided to roll in something really incredibly stinky. I thought it might be cow pie, but that does not stink as badly as whatever Joe rolled himself in. Gross. Joe is a follower, not a leader and sits near the bottom of the pecking order in the pack. He does not come when he is called, which is not entirely unusual for livestock guardian dogs, but he will come if he is hungry and thinks he is going to be fed. His brother, Mikey, stays with sheep now about 90% of the time, and Joe only stays about 10%. So, poor Joe, though he is a great all round farm dog and shows promise as a guardian dog for the livestock and birds, I do not need another one of that kind of dog. Already, Ofcharka, Harley, Jade and Jenna do that. Four general farm dogs is sufficient. Could I sell Joe? Well, he is part of the pack and I have had him since he was a five week old pup and he loves me dearly and loves to be patted. No danger just yet, Joe dog, but puhleeeeeeze, don't roll in stinky stuff and come for pets. Peeeeeewe!