The Riggid Galloway calves were right beside Kylie's pen and they busted out one morning and Kylie busted out of her pen. The pens were never made for cows. I have been working on taming the calves, and Dustin, a young man from Ag college has been helping me with their haltering. They are easy to redirect back to the pen they should be in. But, I thought it best to put them all together. Kylie and Shona had quite a few tousles, head butting and pushing, and then decided to be friends. Kylie did not tackle Barclay. I think she knew there would be no contest there. He is a boy and already bigger and stronger than her, though he is not as old. Both Kylie and Shona had to fend for themselves at early ages, which makes them all the more leary of anything different, me included.
Sometimes I sing to my animals (when no one is listening). I am not a good singer, but I love to sing. I think animals are similar to children and old folks. They appreciate being sung to no matter the quality of the voice. It is the intent that matters.
So, I videod Kylie while I sang her a song. You can see her ears moving as she listens to me and she is intent on staying close. See, music is the part of the realm of angels. Kylie knows I love her. I do.