Last winter we had forty below for a few days here and there. That was pretty darn cold, but I walked to school in that temperature, not far, maybe 10 blocks in total, but still, I walked. We did not get rides in those days. All the kids dressed up and walked to and from school.
The farm last year was pretty in October, just like this year. The grass is starting to get green here again. Now I don't recall that last year, but when I check the photos from October, there is green in the grass too. I looked at the temperature graphs for the years I went to school and the past few here and they very close to the same. I do believe in global, rather universal warming. It is not just this planet that is increasing in temperature at an exponential rate, but even the most distant planets are changing. The universe it getting warm. But winter is still the same. I am sticking to that.