This afternoon, I spent some hours working in what is to be the farm store. I moved some of the cupboards to the garage and the other things are outside under a tarp. Hopefully we won't have a torrential rain storm which will whip that tarp away and soak everything. My fingers are crossed. Once the interior of the store is painted I am planning to paint the cupboards for a more uniform look and then begin stocking the store. It will be a mix of handmade soaps and creams, herbs, essential oils and things I own that I no longer wish to, such as my mother's fine china and crystal. I am not sure who will even come to the store, but I will advertise it and hopefully those who are interested in collections and collector's items and antiques will come, plus those who like organics.
So, the liquidation begins and will continue for the next five years. Even the property will be subdivided into four parcels and sold. My aim is to leave the farm with nothing - no possessions, nada. I know there are those who do not think I will do it. Shall we place a wager?