Some of the bantam chickens dressed out just under 2 pounds. That is one small chicken. The cost for each chicken to process was just under five dollars including GST. So at, let's say, 2 pounds, that still is not bad. I did buy those chicks at about 5 dollars each and fed them, though not much, over the summer which puts the price of a 2 pound chicken up to $10 and that is high. Some of the others were around 4 -5 pounds. Next year I will order a breed called Malines. They are a fast growing large chicken that lays well, but has a large comb and wattles so is not suited for our winters. If they cross with my Ameraucana/Chanteclers, I may just get a decent growing winter layer. May, I said.
Oh well. I made a pot of chicken soup for tonight and I must say, the broth was amazing. There is no comparison to store bought chicken or even chicken that most farmers raise because these chickens were running around all summer eating grass and bugs. Most farmers keep chickens in runs and feed them grain instead. Egg laying and meat are not the main purposes of the chickens on the farm. They are here to eat bugs and that is what they do. They scratch through the poop of every critter and eat the worms and eggs, and the flies and mosquitos, which is perfect. Who does not like chicken and who loves bugs? Win win, little chickens. Thank you for lives and thank you Creator for the opportunity to raise the birds and give them love and care. Bless you birdies.