So, today I went to the gas station and got 2 cans of diesel, 4 cans of gas and then to the mechanic store and bought diesel oil, oil for a gas vehicle, a funnel, a grease gun and grease and I had the man put the grease in the gun for me. Even he had trouble! He put it in from the wrong end and it would not shut, so he took it to the mechanic in the shop and they got it right. I came home and put the diesel in the skid steer, put oil in it and greased 8 nipples. I smelled of diesel, which of course spilled a little when I was pouring it in the machine. I got the grease on my gloves too! Gross! and even though I wear gloves pretty much all the time when I am working or farming, the smell permeates through the material and into my hands and also my clothes. YUK!
I wanted to collect the farm waste, such as twine, feed bags and also the dog bones in the wagon of the lawn tractor, but it has flat tire. Darn. Another job I do not want to do. I will try to put the wagon in the pickup and take the whole thing to the tire store. I did take a tire off the tractor last year and I hated doing it. I lost a bolt, had to search hard in the grass to find it, and there was a trick, which I do not remember now, but looked up online then, in order to remove the tire. If I can get the whole wagon in, the tire boys can do it. Since I was already stinky, I got the chainsaw and weed whacker that have never worked properly and took them to the small engine repair down the road. They were uncrating lawn tractors. The crate wood is hard wood from China and Korea and I had an idea to make chicken tractors with the crates, so asked for them. Tomorrow I will pick some up.
Although, it was not a good day to start, since the Sebastopol gosling died, it ended up productive. Now I can operate the machines and they are in decent running order, thanks to me. I do miss the city for the ease of getting mechanical help though, I really do. At least it is done now. Yay!