Mike was the shy one from the onset. He still gets beat up by the other dogs, who think he is not part of the pack, but the dog that lives with the sheep. Joe does not stay with the sheep, though he does go there to eat and sleep quite often. As of late, Mike has been staying with the sheep almost full time, which is why he was brought to the farm in the first place. Joe was supposed to as well, but he will not.
The pups went through a bad puppy stage using one lamb in particular as a chew toy and her ears will never be the same. Fortunately that is all the harm they did. Livestock guardian pups should not be trusted fully with lambs until they are two. At this point, I do trust Mike and watch Joe, who can be swayed by another dog. Robbie, the border collie, can and does lead Joe to do bad things. Joe is just a big galoomphing pup who follows, while Mike thinks and stays on his own. I love them both, but have a special soft spot for Mike. He is such a sweet gentle dog and just wants to be loved when I am around. He will go home when I tell him to, which is super. The pups will be another year in training before they are fully trusted as sheep and lamb guardians. They are good dogs!