Is there a food conspiracy going on that we are too trusting and innocent to notice?
When my grandparents were settlers newly immigrated to Canada, the food they ate was nutritious, organic and unadulterated. I wish we could even get this type of good food today, but those who depend on grocery stores are forced to buy what is offered there. Even on farms, it is hard to grow good food in an organic manner. The feeds for livestock include genetically modified ingredients such as corn and soy or canola and most grain crops are sprayed with a multitude of chemicals including pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Once we were told that Round Up was innocuous, harmless to humans and inert when it is in the soil, however; now we know that it is anything but that and is found in breast milk and in newborn babies, as well as everyone else.
But what about wheat and milk? Wheat, once a staple in the Canadian diet, has turned to be an enemy, creating illness for many and intolerance for others. Symptoms vary from mental disorders to gastric disorders, which leave the way open for autoimmune disease to gain hold. The gut and brain syndrome from unidgested proteins, not only, but often primarily gluten, is one of the culprits. Who engineered this new wheat and why?
Milk has suffered a similar fate. Once raw milk was a healthy food and children, as well as adults, consumed it in large quantities. Then man changed cows. The premise is that the change would increase the milk yield and it did, at the expense of the cows and the milk itself changed. Milk from the older breeds of cows used to contain a protein and less lactose than today's improved milk. Is there a coincidence then, that dairy is the other food that is linked to heart disease, diabetes, and gastric upset of all sorts, even both mental and phsyical illness? I won't cite any research on this, but if you care to look, there is much data on the internet that should make one wonder what the heck is going on. And why.
Old strains of wheat such as kamut do not carry the negative gluten molecules that cause the reactions to today's wheat. Old breeds of cows, such as Guernseys also do not carry the gene to make the new milk and the milk they produce has the same A2 protein as goats, water buffalos and sheep.
I am trying to determine the protein structure of other breeds such as Simmental, Dexter and Highland. My guess is that they are not A1 since they are not commercial dairy animals and would not have been modified. I will milk my Highland if I can when she is bigger and has a baby. I might acquire a milking Dexter or Simmental after having their genes tested to see if they are A1 or A2. A2 is what I am after. I have been milk and dairy intolerant my entire life, but maybe, just maybe it is A1 intolerant and not milk intolerant as I have not tried goat or sheep milk. I cannot eat wheat now either. It can takes years for the intolerance to the gluten molecule to manifest itself in a full blown illness, but looking back on the symptoms, there were signals and signs along the way that indicated something was not right, only I didn't know what.
So, back the question. Who is responsible for the change in the two foods that Canadians thrived on for years and still do and why? That, I do not have an answer to yet and cannot find one. Can you?
an interesting article which might lead you to look further...