While I was cleaning and packing and doing laundry, I was thinking of how much I love that little house with its old wooden floors, even though the previous owner topnailed the living room floor. Who does that? Seriously, the man and wife should not have been allowed to own any tools. But, the wood stove and the wood floors, the clay painted walls, now touched up as of tonight, and the weathered barn wood here and there..well, it is my place. That old kitchen sink that I dragged out from Vancouver fits perfectly in the kitchen. I was thinking that maybe when I get rid of more things I could possibly move back to the little house and rent the bigger house out. I would have preferred to do that anyhow, but there are too many fine antiques that no one here values, so they will not pay anywhere near what they are worth. So, I will wait and try to sell them to people a little further away who appreciate antiques and don't mind paying the real price for them.
I am really going to miss that porch too. After the headache of the idiot contractor who attempted to build it the first time and then declared bankruptcy because his work was horrible, I still love the porch. The second contractor fixed the most important problems and it is perfect, or at least serviceable now. The laundry sink was where I washed the bums of the little lambs or warmed the new borns who were abandoned. I have no idea where that is going to take place now. The only possibly place would be the bathtub. Who wants lamb shit in the tub that they bathe in? Not me. But where else?
I won't have anyplace to take off the dirty boots and coveralls in the winter except the hallway in the house. How inadequate. What were those people thinking?
Anyhow, my little house was a most wonderful place to be. Even my son, who visited me on the 22nd, my birthday, said how much he loved that little house. It is so homey and comfortable. I don't know if it will ever be feasible to move back to it, but I will keep that in my mind. For now, some one else will get to enjoy it and love it. I hope I find that renter soon.