Then I saw the water. I have been sorting through my things and they are out of boxes and stacked up in all sorts of places, many of them on the floor, now soaking wet under an inch of water. It is a disaster. I also am not sure a pinhole in the softener tank could create so much water. It appears that it may have been leaking for a while, unnoticed if I did not step on the carpet.
The insurance company has not been great either. They should have had a flood restoration company out there immediately. Instead the girl I spoke to said she thought I was not covered for a flood since I did not live in that house. I pay an extra premium on the house and have not lived there. It was a bed breakfast for some time and was often empty, though I did go in the house daily. I just did not go downstairs daily. Lots of people do not go in their basements unless they need something. So, tomorrow, I really need to get this looked after and the water taken care of before mould and mildew overtake the entire dwelling. I am not happy!