The cows he has are not big by today's cow standard sizes. The Simmental cows being boarded at my farm are twice the size of these cows, but they have really big horns and it is the horns that are prized and sought after. The breed are Texas Long Horns. They are quite wild and highly protective of their calves. They have those big horns for a reason and they use them for defence as well as to assert domination in the herd, yet no cattle are skewered. It takes years to grow a large set of horns, large enough to butcher the cow for, but by then the cow is rather tough, so is best for ground meat or stew meat. Young steers are great for general eating and supposedly quite delicious, being lean and strictly grass fed. He even has a cow that is coloured like a calico cat! But, they have really BIG horns and I would never have something that dangerous. He uses his quad to manage them and is respectful, yet very careful around them. I certainly would be too!