That first moment of realization came sitting in the old rocking chair I refurbished for my baby, when the wispy lavender wisteria blossoms were in their glory, the heavenly scent wafting through the windows on the gentle, warm summer breeze. There I rocked her gently, just mesmerized by her peaceful, beautiful face and suddenly, the feeling that she was the most important work of all time, she was perfection in my eyes, and the knowing that for her I would gladly give my own life, that moment of truth, I realized that motherhood was perfectly perfect. And my baby, my wonderful child, was more important than any possessions I would ever have.
Shortly following the birth of my daughter,came my handsome blue eyed, blonde haired son, an easy child who was so quiet in his first months. He was adorable and when I held those two beautiful babies in my arms, against my chest, listening to their breathing, my heart swelled with the pride and love of motherhood. There was nothing that could compare to the feeling of completeness. The entire world could stop around me as long as I had my children safely tucked to my bosom and wrapped in my love.
And then, within a year came the third bundle of joy. That old rocking chair squeaked and groaned with the children , one in each arm and one slumbering in between on my breast. My third child was a bright eyed, busy and curious baby, always smiling and laughing and indeed, as the other two, he had stolen my heart the moment I laid eyes upon him. Even when he was wailing in great pain, as he was often for the first two years of his life, I sang to him and rocked him and loved him and would I have been able to exchange my wellness for his pain, without a doubt, I would have. That is motherhood.
Now, on my little farm, I see the pleasure every spring, the young mothers and the old, guarding their offspring with their lives. Hens fend off ravens, twice their size and deadly, but they would sacrifice their lives for their babies. The ewes tend their lambs with much love, nuzzling them and snuggling when they are asleep, side by side. There is no greater gift in this entire universe than to be a mother, to create life, to protect life and to share and teach the young, to shape their lives and encourage the babes to be the best they can be. To survive.
Of all the many accomplishments in my life, motherhood is indeed the greatest. When I reflect on my possessions, my treasures and my wealth, none compares or even really matters at all. The only true treasures we have are our children and our families. Bless each and every mother today, whether she be a hen with her chicks or a new mother falling in love with her baby, or she be the revered great grandmother who has had the opportunity to love every baby in her life. Take some time to show your mother how much she means to you, for you know what? She will never stop loving you and that moment she knows she would lie down her life for you was then and is forever.
Happy Mother's Day!