As soon as the yard is ready and the signs are here, the insurance man needs to know so the liability can be increased. The composting toilet also needs to be installed in the new outhouse. Then the doors can be open for business.
It is rather exciting and at the same time a little heart wrenching to part with treasures. My mother's carnival glass bowl that she kept her bobby pins in is for sale in the store. She pin curled her hair all the time and slept with it that way. I remember watching her as a little girl, wondering how she could sleep with all those bobby pins in her head, but she did, obviously. I was not allowed to touch the glass bowl, with a little fawn perched on the lid, but I did sometimes, just never told.
My old viewmaster with some reels is in the farm store too. As time permits, I will make some food items, like pickled eggs and garlic, and seasoning packages to go with recipes for meats in the freezer. The freezer will have farm meats in it. So far there are geese and ducks from last season, organic, and some organic lamb and goat will go in there too. Eggs will be sold unwashed as they should be sold. As soon as I get a chance, the garden will be planted and it is very close to the store so people can see what is growing. I am opting for several crops of micro greens, and quick growing vegetables, as well as 60 day squash and pumpkin.
The exterior needs to be scraped, power washed and painted before any window boxes and planters are in place. Maybe next week, sigh. Maybe.