The one and only seed cleaning plant used to be a place I frequented. I got to know the workers by name, knew the front desk girl and the owner of the business. I was often ignored when I went in, by the owner that is, but the front desk girl and at least two of the workers were quite friendly and helpful, no matter what. Granted, when I arrived here 4 years ago, I was very green. There was a lot to know and I did ask a lot of questions. Each year I got grain delivered to the farm via the big grain truck with an auger and the grain was kept in 1000 pound tote bags for winter usage. One year the driver was phenomenal. He knew exactly how to auger the grain into the tote without creating dust and without spilling it everywhere.
Twice I had the same driver who would not listen to me, and did not even acknowledge me. Under his tutelage, the grain spilled, the bag ripped and it was a dusty disaster.
Last year, the grain was ordered and I waited and waited. 2 months went by and I completely ran out of grain and was forced to purchase it by the 25 pound sack, a very expensive and time consuming way to do it. I spoke to the owner many times about the order and he ignored me. Then he went on a hunting trip and the order remained unfulfilled. Thank goodness, Jules, one of the two employees who shows some brains and initiative, said he would bring it within the week and did so within two days.
I also purchased dog food there. The price hike on the last marketing change raised the food to $1 per pound. The size of the bags went from 50 pounds to 40 pounds, too. It was expensive food, but the dogs did well on it and the amount I spent at the seed cleaning plant on dog food was about $250 per month, sometimes $300.
The owner and I had a dispute over the grain spill, the torn bag and the fact that he shipped the wrong product entirely. What I received was feed barley and was supposed to be barely screenings at a cost difference of double for the feed, which I got. The owner would not budge in his stalwart way. I have spoken to the two other seed cleaning plants in close proximity, and many, many locals now. He has a reputation of being difficult and unfair and no one was surprised at this treatment either.
I got a phone call to pay the final invoice after the owner indicated he would credit one feed bag and some of the spilled grain. He would do nothing about the wrongful delivery. But, he charged interest on the late payment. How can he do that when the invoice was in dispute? I did not realize that the interest was tagged on. Tomorrow I will call and find out how it was calculated. I have a feeling it was calculated on the original amount of the invoice. Anyhow, it should not be there at all. Now it is paid and I am demanding a refund. The owner is lucky he got paid what he did. I told him that it was like me ordering a freezer from Sears, being shipped a fridge, and then told to deal with it. No refunds!
Yes, it is the only seed cleaning plant in close proximity. It is not the only place to get grain. The biggest problem for me is that now that I am substitute teaching, his kids are in one of the schools I go to. I don't know how much of his business he shares with his family, but I do not want those kids upset. So, this time, I will pay what I don't owe, not pay the interest I was charged and paid if I will get a refund, but I highly doubt that. Once a shyster, always a shyster.
This is a very bad part of living in a small town. Grrrr. I am right angry. Wouldn't you be?