The pussy willows are already going to seed. They look like extra beautiful light yellow caterpillars saying good bye to the trees, just beautiful. The May day is ready to bring forth blossoms. It is a fragrant tree, but does not produce edible anything. The people who lived here for over 30 years did not plant anything edible. I did, but I do not intend to stay here longer than another 5 years or so, so I am planting for the future, for permanent agriculture, for others to enjoy the fruits of my labours. With a vision for tomorrow, not just today, I am leaving a legacy for some one else. It is how it should be.
There is no sign of life in the roses. I do so want them to thrive. The first year here I planted 32 bushes and only half made it, even though they were zone 3. That winter was particularly cold and windy. If I plant any more roses, they will have to be zone 2 only. Once they are well established, they have a much better chance of carrying on. The trick is to plant them early and hope they are well rooted by fall.
Enjoy the beautiful photos of the buds of spring. Although I also planted a host of bulbs, none have survived. I do see tulips in some yards, close to the foundation of the houses, so I suppose that is part of the trick. The warmth from the house likely keeps them safe during winter.
And spring has sprung here in the north, a full month earlier than last year. It snowed in May last year and I sure hope it doesn't snow in May this year. I am very ready for a garden. Are you planting one this year?