From time to time I let him out to see how he will do. Today I put him with the other bucks and the rams and he did not stay there at all. But I did let him stay in the yard of the little house. It is all good there except if he goes back to the west side where there are feeders that he can fit through. The reason he is in jail is because, even though he is very small, he is old enough to breed and he definitely wants to do that. He heads for the girls every time he is free. Goats are social animals and he is lonely, yet he won't stay with the males. I am looking for a companion wether for him, but so far had no luck.
Stevey gets hay and fresh picked weeds and grass, plus a handfull of grain twice a day. He does not eat much of the hay but usually makes his way through the greens. He would eat a lot more grain if he could. He only gets a little because he is small and I want to ensure he has enough energy to grow.
His little girlfriend, Nix, was with him for a while until he wanted to marry her. Poor little boy is alone now. He is very tame and friendly and follows me around when he is out and I am too. I can't wait to see his kids. He may not be tall enough to breed some of the larger goats, but he should manage with the smaller girls. At least some of them should be blue eyed. The doelings from this year will not intentionally be bred until next year to allow them to fully mature. However, if Stevey has his way, that could change, and he is quite the escape artist already. Hmmm, time will tell.