The Babydoll sheep were the last group to be set together for breeding. There are two groups, one for Friar and one for Tuck. The little girls from this year are likely not old enough to breed, but they are exposed to a Jacob ram lamb this year, just in case. They can neither be bred to Friar or Tuck, since they would be related to them in one way or another.
Friar has just two mature ewes to breed. The girls have not produced twins, though both of them are twins. This will be their second lambing, so I am hoping for twins. Tuck has two purebred ewes and one crossbred ewe. The purebred ewes have twins in their backgrounds as well, but have not had twins so far. My fingers are crossed.
One group of ewes had to go clean across the farmyard. Most of them cooperated, but not Zoey. She laid down and kept laying down. Caitlin, one of the helpers, suggested a wheelbarrow, and sure enough, it worked like a charm. Once she was laid in the wheelbarrow, she made no fuss and was delivered right to Tuck.
Tuck and Friar have already taken a strong interest in the ladies. They were beside two different rams, so they are likely cycling and ready to breed, as they did stand for the ram. This is great because having the different breeds in different pens is a pain. Everyone needs to be watered separately and fed separately. I will leave the sheep together until the end of December and then move everyone back to their places.
When breeding rams are returned, they sometimes ram each other and fight hard. To help prevent any major casualties, they are penned in a tiny area so they can barely move. That does not allow them to back up and ram their neighbours, at least not hard enough to hurt them fatally. Usually within 2 days, they have settled down enough that they can be let out and they will not hurt one another. Once the smell of the ewes is more or less dealt with and done, they are fine.
I am thankful to have friends that I can call on for help. Certainly, they are well appreciated and their kindness is taken note of. Christmas is coming and I think there will be something extra in their stockings this year for being good girls! Thank you Caitlin and Gail! Much appreciated.