Of course, I invited them to drive up the driveway and park outside the B & B as I trailed behind walking. They were in good humour and friendly, but gave me no more inclination as to why they wanted to see the bed and breakfast. As I showed them around, the officer seemed very interested and viewed all the rooms. He asked about the capacity and prices of the rooms. Still with no indication as to why the official visit, I am now really wondering. Perhaps Victim Services got a complaint, but from whom?
Then the officer explained that he was checking out the place on behalf of a member coming up tomorrow, who needed a place to stay for the weekend. Whew! He really loved the place too, as did the lady, who was along out of curiosity more than anything else, so she said. She was a sweetheart and he was very nice as well. He said now that he is familiar with the premises and since they are close to Elk Point and St. Paul, he would let the detachment know in both towns, that the bed and breakfast is lovely and welcoming.
Then we went outside and viewed the animals. The woman absolutely loved animals and said she wanted to be me. How flattering was that? I gave her a big hug. When I took them to see Dominique, the little lamb, Karin Llama was giving her kisses. Both of the guests very much enjoyed the farm and said they will come back to visit. Now, wasn't that a stellar end to the story?