So, I got a job, just like everyone else who has a small farm, for without the second income to pay for the farming costs, the farm cannot exist. That is so very contrary to the way it should be. My grandfather raised a family of 11 on his quarter section. They were not wealthy, but they had enough and once in awhile, he would even bring a bolt of satin back from town for the girls to sew beautiful blouses and dresses. Such a luxury must have been so very appreciated. We have no concept of that these days because we can go the store and buy anything we want. The job appeared promising at first, but then the numbers of days were not there and I began to think of new ways to earn some money. Today brought some hope though.
I got up at 6 am to do the chores. It was still dark and I stumbled around trying to fill water bowls and fill the dishes with grain for the birds. There was no time to feed the sheep that had been separated for breeding, so I tossed some straw in. They will munch on that and at least have full bellies, though it has not much nutrition. Then I went to school and had a great day. The teachers were so welcoming at the high school in Elk Point, and the kids were generally respectful. The best part though, was that the teachers indicated there was a maternity leave coming up and a job opening will surface very soon. Maternity leave is a year in Alberta, with the possibility of returning part time as well. The wheels began to roll in my noggin.
I do not want to teach full time and run the farm full time. I could do it, but it would not be easy, especially in winter when the days are short and the weather is so cold. But, I could do it for a year, that is, if they even would consider hiring me. I don't know what the policy is for hiring in Alberta, whether they seek young teachers or whether they happy with the wise experienced ones. The field that the teacher is in is Home Economics, and while I can sew anything and can also cook well enough, I have no formal training in teaching methodology for this. Maybe it would all depend on whether or not the administration liked me well enough and thought I could do the job to their satisfaction. Then I discovered another staff member is also pregnant and will be on maternity leave before April. Whoot whoot!
Maybe, just maybe there would be some one who would want to share the job, say, each 2.5 days a week or 3 days one week and 2 the next. That would be ideal for me. There may be some hope in store after all. My fingers are crossed and there is tape on my mug so I do not open my mouth and spout off about things people do not want to hear. I am smiling and quiet, sort of, and thinking positive. Yes!