Well, it looks as though as early as Monday I will be doing chores in the dark whether I want to or not. My Alberta interin teaching certificate came in the mail today. I am now an Alberta certified teacher. Tomorrow I will go and complete the paperwork the County of St. Paul school board. They have been anxiously awaiting the completion of the certification so I could begin. Regional districts such as St. Paul are always short of teachers and substitute teachers. At the beginning of the year, there are usually enough to start the year, but in a short while ,for various reason, the teachers leave and the shortage begins. This year, the district started without adequate replacement teachers and it has just gotten worse. I suspect I will be offered a real job in no time. It it was a decent job, and not full time, I would consider it. Running the farm does take quite a bit of my time.
I will have to be out and doing chores at 6 am and into the shower by 7 so I leave for school by 8. Because so many kids are bussed to school in the district, school does not start until 9 and goes until 3. There are several schools in Elk Point, but my preference is only to teach high school. Between St. Paul and Elk Point, there are 4 high schools, and one in Heinsburg ,I believe, which is not that far away. Driving more than a half hour is too far, so if the job is within that half hour drive, I would consider it.
Not once did I think I would ever be teaching again once retired. It was not my goal to substitute teach as many retired teachers do, however; I am an experienced and trained teacher and employment here is scarce. This is the best paying opportunity I will have at my age. So, likely on Monday, I will be back in the classroom once again. This is IT!