The billy lived with the pigs and a few other little goats came to live at the farm, so he jumped the fence and bred Weezie again. Pygmy goats are not seasonal breeders, but can breed all year round. She had twins again and was again a wonderful doting mother, but the toll of raising two sets of twins in a year made her susceptible to mites. She had a terrible, unresponsive case of mites that winter. She was treated with everything the vet recommended and barely responded. She had another set of twins in the spring and then developed what the vet said was an autoimmune skin condition and advised she be put down.
I did not want to lose Weezie. She is my pet and my favourite goat, so I concocted a potion of garlic, oil, borax, copper sulphate and water and sprayed her every few days. She was improving. She delivered two tiny babies, a boy and girl, healthy, but maybe two pounds each. I then gave her an Invomectin injection and some vitamins to build her blood up to help her nurse the twins. I am so happy to report that the mom and babies are well and Weezie is growing hair back where she had none for almost a year. I am not saying she is 100% cured, but she is on her way to recovery. I am so glad I did not give up on her. I love that goatie and her babies!