What if the power grid went down? Oh my I would hate to think what would happen in the cities. City people do not have a lot of resources and rely greatly on others for everything in their lives. I know, I was a city person for a long, long time. I shudder when I think of my children, all of whom live in cities, suddenly not being able to buy food, or fuel. How could I help them to survive? One of them is across the globe in Australia for goodness sake. One is five hours away and the other about 16 hours, but that is only if there is enough gas, if the roads are passable and so on.
So, I have decided to put some money towards solar and wind power. If I can pump the water from my well with wind power and if I have some solar energy to power a light bulb, run a few important electronic devices, though if the power grid goes down, the internet will as well. I want to be able to provide homes for my adult children and their families and food for all. We can grow large gardens and put food up for the winter. There are two houses and the farm store, which could easily be turned into a tiny house. If we built the quonset we could use that too. I need to learn how to convert the diesel car and skid steer to biodiesel and learn how to make biodiesel from the oil that I can produce from plant seeds on the farm. Hemp seed and sunflower seeds would be good oil producers that can grown here.
I know this sounds like doom and gloom. I am not crazy yet, and I am certainly hoping all this preparation will be for naught. Still, it does not hurt to be prepared for the worst. Are you doing anything for emergency preparedness, even short term?