So, maybe while we want to think everything is perfect just as it is, through observation it is not that way in the animal world. Today a very strange event transpired. The beautiful grey and black Angora female kindled, or had her babies. I think there were only two, for that is all I found in the nest and there were none others anyplace to be seen. Two is very odd for a rabbit, but it is her first litter. But, when I looked closely at the babies, one was cold, though he was in the nest. He was dead so I picked him up and nearly dropped him when I looked at his face.
In the place where there should have been a cute rabbit nose was a proboscis, huge for the size of the bunny. He was holding a straw in his paws. I stared at the face and since the birth was so recent, I am assuming he was stillborn. But I am still amazed and in shock when I think of that face. What a cruel joke Mother Nature would have played on that innocent little life. What a blessing he did not make it. Would we say the same if he was a deformed human baby?